Cellular Excellence

Unique and proprietary instrumentation to rapidly and effectively print, characterize and validate cell identity, along with determining the purity, viability and potency for preclinical drug development.


The scientists at Cellular Life Sciences have a wealth of 2D & 3D bioprinting, tissue engineering, cell seeding, genomic & protein analysis and nano-liter dispensing application-based expertise that they would like to share with you.

Whether you are involved in the life science or biotechnology research community, our products will enable you to perform complex, high volume experiments at a lower cost and in less time than traditional techniques. You will achieve faster and less expensive drug discovery.

Global government pressure to eliminate animal testing for drug and cosmetic development has accelerated industry demand for tools that can model living cells.

Cellular Life Sciences is developing a suite of products and associate disposables to improve automation in the drug discovery tools sector. The systems are designed to accommodate discovery workflow and include simple user interfaces which require no coding.

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